Course Modules we covered:
Introduction to Software and Classification
- System Software
- Types of Operating System
- Types of Programming Languages
- Translators
- Desirable Program Characteristics
Introduction to C
- Evolution of C
- Flavors of C Compilers
- Features of C
- The C character set
- Identifiers and Keywords
- Data types /Constants
- Symbolic constants
- Variables and Datatypes
- Escape Sequences
- Format Control Strings
- The structure of C Program
- First C Program
Standard Input and Output Functions
- Library Functions
- Single Character Input – The getchar Function
- Single Character Output – The Putchar Function
- Entering input Data – The scanf Function
- More about the scanf/ Printf
- The gets and Puts Function
Operators and type Conversions
- Operators
- Precedence and Order of Evaluation
- Arithmetic Operators
- Unary Increment and Decrement Operators
- Unary Operators
- Relational and Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- The Conditional Operator/ternary
- Compound Assignment Operators
- Sizeof operator
- Implict type Conversion (coercion)
- Explicit type conversion(casting)
- Bitwise Operators
Control Structures
- Statements and Blocks
- The if / else
- Nested Conditional Constructs
- Switch statement
- The while loop/ for loop
- The do while loop
- The break statement
- The continue statement
- The exit
Low Level Programming
- Number Systems
- Bitwise Operators
- Bit Fields
- Introducing Functions
- Defining a Function
- Accessing a Function
- Function Prototype
- Function calls
- Return statements
- Recursions
- Nested Functions
Memory Organization
- Understanding Memory Concepts
- Storage Classes
- MultiFile Programs
- Fundamentals
- Address and Dereferencing
- Pointer Declarations
- Pointer operations
- Pointers and Functions
- Call by Value,call by reference
- Pointer to Pointers
- Passing Pointer to Functions
- Void pointer
- Function returning pointers
- Array Declaration
- Single Dimension Arrays
- Multi Dimensional Arrays
- Pointer and Arrays (Single Dimension)
- Array of Pointers
- Arrays as Function Arguments
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Introduction to Strings
- Difference between char [] and char *
- Standard String Library Functions
Introduction To Macros
- The C Preprocessor
- Introduction to Preprocessor
- Macro Substitution
- File Inclusion
- Macro Testing
- Conditional Compilation
Structures and Unions
- Declaring a Structure
- Accessing structure members
- Nested Structures
- Typedef
- Array of Structures
- Structures and Pointers
- Passing Structures to Functions
- Pictorial Representation of above code
- Structures as function arguments
- Operations on Unions
- Unions and Structures Differences
- Uses of Structures
- Enumerations
File Handling
- Introduction
- Formatted and Unformatted file
- I/0 functions
- Random Access Files
- Fseek() , ftell() and rewind()