Course Modules we covered:
Introduction to Python
- What is Python?
- Why do people use Python?
- Who uses Python today?
- What can I do with Python?
- How is Python developed and supported?
- Features of Python
Running a Python program
- The Python Interpreter
- The Python IDEs
- Python implementation alternatives
Types and Operators
- Introducing Core Data Types
- Numbers and Strings
- Lists and Sets
- Dictionary and Tuples
- Files
- Other core types and operators
- Assignments and Expressions
- The if statement
- The if/else ternary expression
- The while and for loops
- Iterations and comprehensions
- Why use Functions?
- Function definition and calls
- Python scopes
- The LEGB rule
- The global statement
- Scopes and nested functions
- Closures: The factory functions
- The nonlocal statement
- Passing arguments to Function
- Keyword and Default arguments
- Keyword only arguments
- Writing your own print function
Advanced Function Topics
- Recursive Functions
- Anonymous Functions: lambdas
- Functional programming tools: map, filter and reduce
Comprehensions and Generators
- List Comprehensions
- Generator functions
- Generator expressions
- Scopes and comprehensions variables
- Set and Dictionary comprehensions
Bench marking
- Timing iteration alternatives
- Writing your own timing module
- Timing module alternatives
- Why modules?
- Python program architecture
- How import works
- Module search path
- Creating modules
- Using modules
- Module namespaces
- Reloading modules
- Introduction to package
- Why use package imports?
- Package relative imports
- Pitfalls of package relative imports
- Namespaces packages
Advanced Module concepts
- Data hiding in modules
- Understanding __main__ and __name__
- Changing the module search path
- Using as with import and from
- Importing modules by Name String
- Exposing the Modules further
Classes and OOPS
- Overview of OOP
- Creating classes
- Creating Instance Objects
- Accessing attributes
- Built-in class attributes
- Method calls
- Inheritance
- Abstract superclasses
- Nested classes
Operator Overloading
- Introduction
- Indexing and slicing: __getitem__ and __setitem__
- Iterableobjects: __iter__ and __next__
- Membership:__contains__,__iter__ and __getitem__
- Attribute access: __getattr__ and __setattr__
- String representation: __str__ and __repr__
- Right side and in-place uses: __radd__ and __iadd__
- Overloading comparasion operators
- Boolean tests: __bool__ and __len__
- Call expression: __call__
- Object destruction: __del__
Advanced class topics
- Container ship
- The ‘New Style’ class model
- Static and class methods
- Instance count with static methods
- The ‘Super’ function
Exception Handling
- What is an Exception?
- Handling an Exception
- The try,except and else blocks
- Except clause with no exception
- Except clause with multiple exceptions
- The try-finally clause
- Argument of an exception
- Raising an exception
- User defined exceptions
- Built-in exception classes
Unicode and Byte Strings
- Strings and Unicode Strings
- Byte and Byte array objects
- Text and Binary files
- Unicode files
- Pattern matching with re
- Binary data module “struct”
- Serializing objects with Pickle
- XML parsing
- What is a decorator?
- Function decorators
- Class decorators
- What is a Metaclass?
- The Metaclass model
- Declaring Metaclasses
- Coding Metaclasses
- MetaclassVs Superclass
- Metaclass methods Vs Class methods